What is it about?
Today’s financial markets are complex and sophisticated, reflecting the repeated interaction of millions of people, institutions, and systems. Technology-rich and interconnected ecosystems like financial markets are susceptible to cyber-attacks. Cyber security threats are recognised as a significant risk to market integrity, investor protection, and the orderly functioning of markets.
The objective of the workshop is to provide an overview of the cyber security landscape in financial markets and present a methodical and proactive approach to cyber security that introduces safeguards that can reduce the likelihood and impact of cyber attacks. Topics to be discussed include
- The cyber security landscape in financial markets including historic cyber incidents and their related impact
- Components of an effective cyber risk management framework such as governance, identification, protection, detection and response and recovery
- Cyber threat intelligence and decision making
- Regulatory approaches to cyber security and cyber risk management
The workshop is at an intermediate-level and assumes some knowledge of financial markets and the financial sector. It is aimed at the financial market participants, but not limited to:
- Operational managers
- Risk managers
- Compliance officers
- Board members
- Regulators and supervisors