Regulating OTC Derivatives Providers WorkshopPlease enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Full Name *FirstLastID or Passport Number *Email *Phone NumberCell NumberEmployerMembership StatusFull Member Affliate MemberNon MemberMembers of SAIFM can enjoy a discount of up to 15% off the cost of the workshop depending on the class of membership. For more info on SAIFM Membership classifications and the requirements thereof please visit If you are not yet a member of SAIFM, you can elect to become an Affiliate Member by agreeing to adhere to the SAIFM Code of Conduct. You can Check the box below to confirm that you have read and agree to adhere to the SAIFM Code of Conduct, and agree to become an Affiliate Member of SAIFM. By doing so you automatically qualify for a 7% discount off the workshop fee.I wish to become an Affliate Member of SAIFMInvoice to *Address * VAT number (if applicable)EmailSubmit