Sandra Adendorff
Dr Sandra Adendorff was appointed in January 2001 as a senior lecturer at the South African Reserve Bank. Her fields of interest include Monetary Economics, Banking, Financial Markets and Macroeconomics. She has several scientific and popular publications to her credit, and has presented papers at various conferences and seminars. She acts as external examiner at various universities. She became a co-author of Understanding South African Financial Markets (Pretoria: Van Schaik) and also co-authored the textbooks: Monetary Economics in South Africa (Van der Merwe EJ and Mollentze SL) by Oxford University Press as well as Economic Indicators (Mohr, P, Yu D and Mollentze SL) by van Schaiks Publishers.
She holds the following qualifications: BCom (Education), BCom (Hons) (Economics), MCom (Economics) and DCom (Economics) from the University of Pretoria.