What is it about?
The evidence of climate change is undisputable. Sea levels are rising as ice glaciers melt. Winters are getting colder while the increasingly hot summers are triggering heat waves across the globe as the subject of global warming dominates the agenda of many social, economic, political and business interactions.
Using the voting power of their wallets and purses, consumers and investors can direct their consumption and investments towards products and services produced by those credible companies with traceable environmental and carbon footprints. Consumer and investor boycotts of ecologically unfriendly products and services act as signals in free market economies that producers and manufacturers must invest in systems and technologies that minimise the emission of greenhouse gases. As consumers and investors become more environmentally conscious of how they spend their money, producers and manufacturers will not continue with the business-as-usual approach of committing ecological atrocities in the name of business as they know that consumers and investors will withdraw their custom and patronage.
This workshop is designed for all those consumers and investors, whether as individuals or juristic persons, who want to make a difference in the fight against climate change. It equips them with the ability to navigate the discourse of sustainability and understand the disclosure requirements imposed by various regulators in order to make more informed decisions when spending their money.